Spring has officially sprung, so it’s time to start thinking about spring cleaning! But what areas of our home should we target? What chores should make the cut? Let’s narrow down a few of the important ones to tackle this spring!

  1. Clean under the fridge and stove:  Roll up those sleeves and get moving! You’ll be happy and possibly disgusted that you did!
  2. Wash baseboards, vents and registers: It’s gotta happen, because dust isn’t pretty! A good vacuum and a wipe with a damp cloth should do the trick.
  3. Clean the gutters: Let’s be honest; there’s all sorts of stuff in there! Clogged downspouts will only cause you headaches in the long-run, due to water pooling in the wrong places. Clean out those gutters so that spring showers can flow freely.
  4. Service the lawnmower: Regular mowing sessions are in your future, so it’s best to get ahead of it and make sure all is well with your lawnmower. Tire checks, drain/ replace oil, get rid of caked on grass and mud and lubricate moving parts.
  5. Prep the grill:  Scrape away any rust spots that may have developed, clean the grill inside and out. Get your grilling station BBQ ready!
  6. Clean any outside furniture:  Get it out, clean it up, put out those fancy pillows and throws… get ready for a summer of food and lounging!
  7. Change filters: …furnace, dehumidifiers, kitchen range hoods, etc
  8. Smoke Detector wellness check: Test your alarms and change their batteries.
  9. Attic, foundation and roof check: Check for damage, debris, critters or what they may have left behind after a long, cold winter!
  10. Clean windows:  Improve your view by cleaning the dirt and grime away.
  11. Pamper the lawn: Seed, weed and treat your grass to a greener summer season!
  12. Address the shrubs: After a long winter they’ll definitely need a shape up, including cleaning up broken and damaged branches.

Have fun! These are chores with a purpose! You are getting ready for dinners with family and friends, or quiet nights out on the deck with a good bottle of wine and a book! More importantly, completing these chores gets you ahead of any nuisances or potential problems; helping you protect the value of your home!